so any of you that know my husband, know that he is a big fan of the UFC, or any type of MMA and would someday (hopefully soon..) like to fight! we love to watch the fights together and we both have our favorite fighters. one person we both like is Ken Shamrock. He fought in the very first UFC, so UFC 1 and was an excellent fighter until he announced his retirement in 2006 .
so... we went to a gas station yesterday, Easter, which i will put up pictures and stuff about later, anyways we went to a gas station, anthony had our friend scott with him in his truck and i followed in the car and we met there. we went in, and who just so happened to be there?....
KEN SHAMROCK!!! and his family... so of course, i had my camera with me and we all got pictures with him! it was a little weird, but exciting too! im sure he's used to fans coming up to him all the time and asking him for pictures, autographs etc. so it probably wasnt a big deal to him, but it sure made anthonys day! he looked skinnier and older... he hasnt been fighting just teaching his own fighting team. he was really nice, and im very excited we got to meet him, and see his family, including his son Ryan Shamrock who is an up and comming fighter!
Spanish Lemon Almond Cake / Tarta de Santiago
2 years ago
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