i miss my buddy :(
today, is not a very good day. first off, today would be my cousin danis 21st birthday.i wish i was able to celebrate with her. im trying not to think about her much, as bad as that sounds, because i know i will just spend my day crying and crying.
my buddy, my skunk a monk, my best friend, my dog. have you ever had that one special pet in your life, that can chew up your favorite pair of shoes, or eat your garbage or even just does something its not sppossed to, but at the end of the day, you just love em? that was my skunk a monk. i remember when we got him, it was only 2 years ago, so he wasnt very old, and he was not a bad dog. i remember i chose him, because all the other puppies were biting me, and he just came up and passed out in my lap. he had the biggest, floppiest ears, and thats all he would do when he was a puppy. sleep. on his back, all sprawled out, snoring. when anthony would leave for work, he would come lay next to me on the bed. he was my protecter. anthony has his dog mouse, that just follows him everywhere. skunk was mine. he would come up and put his nose under my arm, and i would tell him, " skunk, you cant make me love you any more than i already do". he would play when it was time to play, rest when it was time to rest, but best of all, he would love when i needed it the most. he just always knew when i was having a hard time, he'd come up and just start licken me and try to get me to play. skunk and mouse have had a few liters of puppies but we decided it was enough. it was time to get them both fixed. harper and skunk used to be best buddies too. i used to tell people, we could never get rid of skunk cause it would get rid of a piece of harper. after getting them fixed, we noticed a change in him. his behavior changed.... a lot. he started to run away, and snapped at anthony and i a few times, which made me nervous about him doing that to harper. we have our other dog tank, who is a german shepherd, and is about 2 times bigger than skunk. i started to him them fighting, and it was skunk attacking tank. tank would just have little cuts on him, but it statred getting worse. we knew we had to get rid of him, so i put an ad out for him. i dont think it was the best ad, because i think i was hoping no one would actually call on him, so we could keep him, but just keep him away from tank. we went a while with no problems and i thought everything was fine.
last night, skunk didnt want to come in, and he has a very certain way of acting when he knows hes in trouble, thus letting us know he did something worng. we couldnt figure anything out, until we saw my sisters dog lacey. ( we are watching lace for a while till my sisters family moves back home) now, she is the sweetest, little "old" lady dog there is. she doesnt mess around with anything shes not suppossed to, and she is extremely loving and great with harper. anyone who has seen her is just amazed at how sweet she is with him. she was all dirty and looked, like she had been playing. then we saw blood. not a ton, but enough to make us worry. why would skunk, which we knew it was him, why would he attack her? he has only gone after tank, and i dont think lacey would do anything to provoke him. she just lays there! we brought her in to take a look at her, and she had little cuts on her, and a semi long gash on her back. i called the vet right away to see if we needed to bring her into emergency care for stitches. now, if you know us, you know we love animals. especially dogs, weither its ours, familys, friends, whatever. we are total dog people. so the vet said to bring her in the next morning, and he would check her out, but she would be okay, but that meant skunk, needed to be put down. since he has continually done this and has just gotten worse, he could do it to harper, or to another dog, or one of us. i just started bawling. i knew we had to, but that didnt mean i wanted to. of course i was worried about lacey, but this is my buddy. i thought he was gonna grow old playing with harper and our other kids, and me. he was only 2 years old, and had so much more life to live. i know it may sound weird cause he was just a dog. but he was MY dog.
i said my goodbyes to him, bawling and bawling with him in my lap, him shaking. anthony came out cried too because he didnt want to say goodbye to him. we gave him a treat and anthony and my neighbor put him in the truck and left.
i came in and just cried. today, its been very hard to think about our usual playtime, or even accidently calling out skunk a monk...come get a treat buddy. anthonys at work, and doesnt want to be there, but is trying his best, hes very happy he goes on days off tomorrow.
thank you skunk, for always listening to me, for always loving me, and for always protecting me. you were one of the greatest dogs, friends and companions. i miss you buddy.

What we have once enjoyed
we can never lose;
All that we love deeply,
becomes a part of us.
-Helen Keller
No one loves you unconditionally as your beloved pet."
Cynthia S. Dobesh, FL
"A good dog never dies. He always stays. He walks besides you on crisp autumn days when frost is on the fields and winter's drawing near. His head is within our hand in his old way."
~Mary Carolyn Davies
"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole."
~Roger Caras
Oh Lauren, I'm so sorry. I cannot even imagine how you must feel. Our dog, Ares, is our baby! Dogs are so wonderful and so easy to fall in love with. It must have been so hard to say goodbye. I really hope tomorrow is a better day!
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