Sunday, June 13, 2010

baby bump...

so, a little update...

ive been so sick, ive lost a total of 15 lbs so far. if i lose any more, ill be admitted to the hospital for testing... so fingers crossed my new meds will work and i will gain weight! i dont think i look like it, but im in the same size jeans i wore when i was a junior in high school and had my skiiny phase... im enjoying wearing those pants while it lasts!
i can feel the baby move, not hard, but i i can sure tell thats what it is! we did an at home gender test, and that came out as a girl... we find out for sure next month so im excited to see! it was fun to do either way. as long as this baby is healthy i dont care what it is!!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

our wordle

Wordle: Untitled