while i have some time, i thought id share whats new! so, if i didnt mention it already, we found out we are having a GIRL! her official name will be Sophia Raine Senary. pregnancy is going good, 10 weeks and counting! it seems like its gone by really fast, but at the same time, these next 2 months or so cant go by quick enough! im spending as much time with harper as i can and having him help me with baby things. he loves it! i dont think he quite understands, but he loves to kiss my belly, and then tries to kiss his own... when i say where is moms baby at? he lifts up his shirt and points to his belly! he points to ultrasound pictures on the fridge and says BABY, so i think he will be excited once she is finally here! harper does so many new things everyday he just amazes me. he is so happy, most of the time, and he sure loves his dad! he is such a blessing to us! one of his favorite things to do is yep stick his finger up his nose and make a piggy face at us. he thinks its funny cause we say yuck get that outta there so i think we need to stop that cause he just laughs and does it for longer! he had a little accident and ended up breaking his big little baby toe it was so sad. hes a trooper though and thought it was cool to have a bandaid over it. he was suppossed to keep it taped up and stay off it.. yeah right! when the dr told me that i just laughed! harper.. stay off his foot?! hows he gonna dance and run and be a little monster!? so we ended up with a bandaid on it and he'd play in cold water to help with swelling. it looks much better now though!
Spanish Lemon Almond Cake / Tarta de Santiago
2 years ago
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