so we got home monday night after a long drive. anthony had to go to work the next day so we went to bed right when we got home. when anthony went to work he found out that the shop where he works is closing. which means, he will be getting layed off. we are trying to decide what to do now. we were thinking about moving back to tropic for the summer and work at the lodge. then we thought about moving to pahrumpp so anthony can work for joe, but his business is slowing down right now. ugh* it just seems like this is happening at the worst time for us. they are going to try to keep the shop open until the end of april, but still arent sure. we need to come up with a plan for sure of what we are going to do. i do wish we were closer to family because we are so far away. i know that everything happens for a reason and that there are people out there who are going through the same thing, but have it way worse. i know god doesnt shut one door without opening the other. i just hope that things will work out for the best! :D
Spanish Lemon Almond Cake / Tarta de Santiago
2 years ago
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