Monday, September 20, 2010
10 weeks...
Posted by senary family at 2:43 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Posted by senary family at 9:27 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 30, 2010
try again...
so im a little distraught today.
we had our second ultrasound to try to see if this baby is a boy or girl! well, this is one stubborn baby! we werent able to see the face last time or get any type of guess as to what it was, but this time we saw the face and got an 80% that its a girl! .... but thats my problem tonight... 80% isnt 100%. i want to go out and buy clothes and get things ready for it, but i dont want to do it based upon an 80% guess... :\ so i got back in a little over a month to try again. anthony is convinced its a girl and that we dont need to go back, but 80 is just not good enough for me. ugh dang you baby!!! its hard to be excited about something your not sure of yet! well, besides the fact that its a baby...
Posted by senary family at 10:02 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Sunday, June 13, 2010
baby bump...
so, a little update...
ive been so sick, ive lost a total of 15 lbs so far. if i lose any more, ill be admitted to the hospital for testing... so fingers crossed my new meds will work and i will gain weight! i dont think i look like it, but im in the same size jeans i wore when i was a junior in high school and had my skiiny phase... im enjoying wearing those pants while it lasts!
i can feel the baby move, not hard, but i i can sure tell thats what it is! we did an at home gender test, and that came out as a girl... we find out for sure next month so im excited to see! it was fun to do either way. as long as this baby is healthy i dont care what it is!!!
Posted by senary family at 7:55 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 7, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
keeping up with the Senarys
so, these past few weeks, i have done nothing. when i say nothing, i mean lay on the couch, sleep, eat a little, throw up, back to couch or bed. i have been sick, every single day, and its so hard to get things done. my dr. gave me some meds to help with the nausea, but that gives me a really bad headache! ahh the joys of pregnancy right! im thankful that im almost done with that though, im 11 weeks and 5 days today, sooo.... not too much longer hopefully!
on a good note though, first- harper has been so good about this all. i play with him when i can and then have to lay down. he'll come take a nap with me, or play right by where im laying down. i dont think he quite understands that there will be a new baby here or whats going on, but he has a new fasination with poking my belly button. hes so silly and im so thankful to have him in my life. he's found a new love in life which no matter how i try to break it, i cant. he LOVES kung foo panda! when im throwing up... it has come in handy i will say. keeps him very entertained while hes playing with his toys. am i a bad mom?! agh!
anthony has also been very helpful at this time. i think ive cooked maybe 4 .. maybe meals in the past month and a half or so. he helps me clean, as soon as he gets home, hes on dad duty. hes such a good dad and a wonderful husband. we went to dairy queen one night cause it just opened for the season here, and i just had to have a peanut buster parfit...( bad bad idea...) anthony was looking at what he wanted real quick, and there was a little girl behind us. she was really cute, but just completely staring him down. anthony went back to the car with harper and i head the girl say " Dad, boys arent suppossed to have their ears pierced like that, exxxxxxpesscially not with the big holes. disgusting." then the dad said "yeah only freaks do that". i turned around and told the dad that yes, that freak is my husband, just because he has tattoos and gauged ears... ok he is kinda freaky.. hehe im so proud of my husband. he is such a hard worker, such a great dad and husband, i couldnt ask for anything more. its too bad some people make such bad judgements some times, but ill admit im at fault too. maybe i need to work on that...
ok now to the baby!!! we had an ultrasound today, and it was so much fun!! the dr. told us she hasnt seen a baby move around that much in such a long time, so she was so amazed and so we got to see the baby for a LONG time! baby looked like it was waving to us, and when we said that, harper waved back at the screen! he just watched and loved it! we got about 7 pictures, when with harper we only got 1! babys looking good, im looking good, just have lost a little weight, but doing good so far! im so excited to add another little one to our life. harper brings us such joy, i can only imagine what another one will do.... wait... uh oh... :D
Posted by senary family at 6:08 PM 0 comments