so im a little distraught today.
we had our second ultrasound to try to see if this baby is a boy or girl! well, this is one stubborn baby! we werent able to see the face last time or get any type of guess as to what it was, but this time we saw the face and got an 80% that its a girl! .... but thats my problem tonight... 80% isnt 100%. i want to go out and buy clothes and get things ready for it, but i dont want to do it based upon an 80% guess... :\ so i got back in a little over a month to try again. anthony is convinced its a girl and that we dont need to go back, but 80 is just not good enough for me. ugh dang you baby!!! its hard to be excited about something your not sure of yet! well, besides the fact that its a baby...
Spanish Lemon Almond Cake / Tarta de Santiago
2 years ago