a lot has happened since my last post. Well.... not a lot, but it seems like it! We had a family reunion kinda thing in Tropic for the 24th so my brother and sisters were there along with my mom and step dad. A week before that though, we were in tropic for Duck Creek days. that was such a blast! Anthony wanted me to see my family though since it seems like we never get to see each other, so he had to come home for work. It was a very long 11 days without him. We cried when we said bye, lame, i know, but it just shows how much love we have for each other. I couldnt imagine my life without my husband. anyways, it was so much fun and im so glad i got to spend more time with everyone. We got to spend the day at lagoon with mark, kelly and aunt trin. It was sooo much fun! Trin loved the rides, and water park. i think that was harpers favorite thing of the day. he wore himself out! Harper loved spending time with his Grandma kelly, and looking at the Cabellas ad with Grandpa mark. My mom and step dad live in California so they dont get to see Harper very often. Evryone loved watching him at night, and how funny he is. He got onto a blowup matteress and just bounced and had SOO much fun. He is just so cute and such a happy baby! i just love him. He just had a little stomach bug and was throwing up for the day, but was still very happy! Poor anthony though, he's outta town for work and is sleeping around the toilet tonight. He got the stomach bug and is sick sick sick. I feel so bad that i cant take care of him! he'll be back in a few days so i hope you feel better husband! It was really cold here a few days ago, so we stayed inside and cuddled under the blankets and watched movies. My family is the greatest. I cant believe how lucky i am. My husband is such a good hard worker and the greatest father. He is the MOST wonderful husband. thanks for everything you do! We love you!
cousin Julie, and Henries cotton candy face!

Shelby, Log, Me, Nik, Henrie and Harper. Love these girls! and the boys too of course!

come one uncle monkey!

All ready to ride the 4-wheeler

Grandma Denny and Harper

Me and Lina, she is way too dang cute and by far, my favorite neice...!

Jazz Bear!

Watchin Uncle Joe dance!

*The Senarys*

Famila! Trin, Anthony, Jake, Me, Harper, Mom, Shelby, Kevin, Alison, Logann, Max, Calvin, Henrie, Lina.