SO, today is the 2 year anniversary since my cousin Dani was killed by a drunk driver. I shouldnt say drunk because she was not only drunk but had cocaine, morphine, Benzoylecgonine -- a metabolite of cocaine -- and Hydrocodone in her system. Dani and i loved hanging out together, we used to have so much fun! I have so many great memories of her, but one of my favorites would have to be when we would talk on the phone. She had this voice that she would use, i can remember it so well. We used to talk about what was going on in tropic, what was going on with boys, and how we either hated them or loved them. When she would be at our house, we'd say alright, we are going to start a diet so we can be hot, then we would go chow down! I miss going to the rodeos with her, and the dances and coming back home to talk about our night, and how much fun we had. I had so much fun with her, i could talk about anything with her. We used to go lay in nikis room, light a candle or something, so there wasnt much light, and then all us cousins would give massages. I remember one time i gave evryone a facial, and my grandma didnt have cucumbers to put over their eyes, so i went and got pickles...i remember all the girls saying the juice was burning their eyes, but i told them its good for your skin! I miss her so much, and think of her everyday. I am so thankful for the time that we had together. Weither we were arguing when we were younger, or when we were leaving utah to go back to colorado, and her and Niki would chase the car waving bye! We had so much fun, and i will NEVER forget them! I know shes smiling down on all of us, and giving her family strength to get through everyday. " Cause when I look to the sky something tells me you're here with meAnd you make everything alright And when I feel like I'm lost something tells me you're here with meAnd I can always find my way when you are here". Love you and miss you ALWAYS dani! Wait a minute, i didnt have any corn today....whenever i see fat bastard, austin powers or hear anything by the two, i think of dani. She was SOO good at impersonating them!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Posted by senary family at 9:28 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
BabY LovE
Just some pictures of our BABY LOVE! I cant believe he's already 6 months old! He is just growing and doing new things everyday! We are so blessed! He is SUCH a happy baby!
Posted by senary family at 5:09 PM 0 comments
Utah Trip!
short Head!
Posted by senary family at 10:44 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 12, 2009
So this year was of course Harpers first easter! we hid eggs around the house and when we woke up, anthony took the baby around to find them! he had a little baseball easter basket, and had so much fun. i dont know if it was so much the hunt of the eggs, or once they were found trying to suck the life outta them! We had some strawberry pancakes and then went to the park to play. when we were there we ran into the easter bunny! we took some pictures with him and harpers girlfriend Paiyden, shes a little cutie! Examining his egg!
Posted by senary family at 4:39 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 3, 2009
silly boy!
so we were playing with the baby tonight and he thought it was so funny so anthony recorded it! he is just so silly and we love him way too much! he loves to scream now. we have screaming matches all the time! its so much fun! we are so blessed!
He also fell asleep in his toy again for a few minutes! he jumps and plays too hard and wears himslef out! this is after he work up to go to his bed!
hes our little rudolph :D
Posted by senary family at 8:21 PM 0 comments